Metal grills have over the recent years come to be considered as extremely indispensable components of both residential and commercial buildings. This is hardly surprising as these products offer a horde of invaluable benefits for homeowners or even business premises owners. Nevertheless, the primary functionality of metal grills happens to be to reinforce the security of such buildings.
· Window or gate grills in essence serve as effective determent for any would be burglar or vandal that might be keen on breaching the security of the interior of homes or business premises. This makes it very difficult for even professional thieves to gain easy entry into buildings where metal grills have been installed (both on the windows and the gate).
· On the other hand, metal grills can go a long way in enhancing the aesthetic appeal of any building they might be installed on. As would be expected these products come in a wide variety of materials, shapes and even design. From which you can effortless choose the ideal one for your particular requirements.
· Some of the top 2 materials used to fashion these grills are aluminium and iron, which are quite popular with many individuals not only in Singapore, but also the entire globe. This article will attempt to review just which of these 2 products is the best, when it comes to functionality and even cost effectiveness.
· To begin with an aluminium grill is widely noted for the plethora of advantages it presents when compared to most other alternatives, especially those made from iron.
· The metal aluminium has been firmly established to possess uncommonly high tensile strength, despite the fact that is lightweight in nature. This means that an aluminium grill can effortlessly resist any attempt to bend or break it.
· This product is also happens to be completely rust resistant, and can withstand direct exposure to the elements without altering its appearance. Which is a stark contrast from an iron grill that can rapidly accrue rust when exposed to harsh weather conditions such as heavy rain. And out of necessity has to be subjected to various procedures like electroplating, painting or even galvanization to effectively resist corrosion.
· An aluminium grill has also been proven to offer the least amount of pressure to the concrete where it is installed. Unlike its iron counterpart, which can over time compromise the structural integrity of the building it is installed in.
· The metal aluminium is very readily available. This makes it very inexpensive, and more to the point cost effective.
· Additionally, an aluminium grill also happens to be non-magnetic in nature, which therefore means it can resist fire, and can significantly limit the extensive damage buildings can sustain through fire hazards.
Let’s now take a look at an iron grill and what it has to offer
· This metal is widely acclaimed for its unmatched strength. Indeed, iron happens to be one of the most robust metals in existence. Which makes an iron grill the ideal option for individuals who might wish to reinforce the security of their homes or commercial building.
· This product comes in a wide variety of shapes and even sizes that can effortlessly be integrated into virtually any building’s exterior design. And goes a step further in enhancing the aesthetic appeal of such structures.
· An iron grill is also very flexible, and can be easily fashioned into various intricate shapes (especially curves), which other metals like aluminium cannot. This makes it extremely easy and convenient to customize an iron grill to the exact requirements for your windows or gates you wish to achieve.
· This product is again very durable, and can be the best choice if you are operating on a tight budget. You will most definitely be able to utilize such a solution for a considerably long period of time before thinking of replacing it.
· On the flipside, an iron grill is very susceptible to rusting and like aforementioned, requires to be taken through various procedures to be rust resistant.
· With these factors to reflect on, you can put yourself in an excellent position to make an informed decision just which of these 2 metal grills is ideal for your particular needs or preferences. It is, however, vital to understand that both these products are good choices for virtually any application you might have in mind.