The popularity of LED lighting is increasing in a rapid speed and people wish to use it their houses, offices and in even in their cars as well. Although people are using it and they are getting benefits also with it, but then also people do not know a lot of secrets about LED lighting. Also, I am sure that if people would know more about these secrets then those people would also use it that are procrastinating because of any reason. So, if you are wondering What Are the Best Kept Secrets about LED Lighting, then following are few answers for same.
Much better lighting:
When you get a light bulb in your home, then you wish to get better illumination with it. So, when you think about installing lights in your home then experts never share this secret that you always get better illumination with LED lighting. Also, they always keep this thing as a big secret that you can use the LED lighting for almost every place in your home or office and you can get required amount of illumination with it in easy ways. That means, you don’t have to worry about the illumination par because of related secrets as LED lighting give enough brightness to you in any situation.
Better thermal performance:
The best thing about LED lighting is that it not only directly reduces your electricity bill, but it reduces your electricity bill in indirect manner as well. Florescent or incandescent bulbs consume a big amount of electricity in heat and that heat stays in your room only. That means when you use other kind of lights then you put extra load on your cooling systems as well. However, this limitation is not there with LED lighting as this light does not produce any heat and it does not increase the load on your air conditioning system as well. This is one secret that many expert never share with you that’s why many people do not choose this method of lighting.
Really long lasting life:
One more less known secret about LED lighting is that it really last for a very long time. The life time of LED lighting can be 3 or 4 time longer than regular lights. Also, it is made of plastic material that is resistant to minor knocks. So, if you accidentally knock the LED bulb with something hard then also it can withstand that impact. However, this is not possible in case of other light bulbs and that will surely get damage in it. So, it is safe to say that long lasting life is one more secrete that can encourage you to choose LED lighting in your home, office or other places.
Liberty to choose multiple colors:
Although this is not a secret anymore but people used to belie that LED lighting comes only in one color and they cannot use it for illumination purpose. However, now people know that it comes in multiple colors and people can use it to illuminate their surrounding, they can use it to decorate their home and if they have something else in their mind, then they can do that also using this type of lighting. Hence, I can confidently say that LED lighting gives you liberty to choose multiple colors or type of lights and you can use it according to your choice.
Help the nature in a great way:
When you consume less energy, you leave less carbon footprint then you automatically save the nature in a great way. This is something that you can do by using LED lighting. Since LED lighting consumes less energy so you leave fewer carbon foot prints on the nature and you save nature directly. Other than this is reduce the cooling expenses also and that is another good thing for saving of nature. Also, if you are using CFL lights then you need to understand that fluoride is not safe for nature, but LED light does not use any harmful chemicals in the manufacturing process and it is completely safe for nature. This is a secret about LED lighting that CFL bulb manufacturers do not want you to know.
Help you save money:
When you get less electricity bill then you automatically save money but that is not the only way by which LED lighting can help you save money. Along with that it also last for a very long time that means you don’t have to do the replacement of bulb in every few years. That is a direct saving for you and if you hire some handyman to change your bulb every time then that will be another expense that you need to do in this work. However, LED lighting can help you skip these expenses and over all you can save a lot of money using this method of lighting.
LED technology is not new:
Although LED lighting got its popularity in last few years only, but this does not mean LED is a new invention. As a matter of fact LED is there in the world since sixties and we have been using it in radios, transistors and many other electrical instruments. However, we never used it for the illumination purpose and that’s why we assume it is new. This is a secret very few people know about LED lighting and when they learn about it then they realize its existence since long time.
Work well for any environment:
Whether you want to decorate your home, or you wish to illuminate your inside or open area, LED lighting can help you in that. The best thing about LED lighting is that it can work well in almost every environment that makes it the best solution for lighting. However, many people do not know this secret about this kind of light and that’s why they do not try it. But I am sure if they will try it once then they will understand the real potential of LED lighting and then they would not be able to resist themselves from using it.